Repeat Patterns - Engagement Workshops

In 2023, I undertook a series of engagement workshops with two groups, Mammas Write and Maryhill Integration Network's Oasis Women's Group. In the workshops, we discussed ideas about childcare in its many forms. We undertook creative activities that led to the production of a series of Riso prints.

A Riso machine is similar to photocopying and screen printing in that images are separated into different layers for printing. This way of separating layers and the specific colours of inks used in the process give Riso prints a distinctive look and feel. The process offers an accessible and vibrant way of producing prints together.

The workshops ran alongside the exhibition Repeat Patterns at the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow.

Mammas Write

Mammas Write is a creative collective of new mothers determined to continue their creative lives alongside the madness of motherhood.

They meet weekly to create together and support each other, using writing and image-making to reflect their experience of early motherhood and rediscover themselves; their approach is improvised and often spontaneous and has included zine making, collaging and print making.

Maryhill Integration Network - Oasis Women's Group

The Oasis Women's Group is a weekly multicultural women's group open to women from all backgrounds. In addition to giving the women a chance to make friends and share experiences, the group has a programme of activities, including arts and crafts, courses, and information sessions. The women are also given the opportunity to participate in community events. Below are images of some of the prints group members produced in the workshops.

Riso print by member of Oasis Women's Group, MIN

Riso print by member of Mammas Write

Riso print by member of Mammas Write

Riso print by member of Oasis Women's Group, MIN

Riso print by member of Mammas Write

Riso print by member of Oasis Women's Group, MIN

